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Title: Productivity Improvement In Assembly Line Through Analyzing & Eliminating Non-Value-Added Activities
Authors: Choksi, Neel Dipakkumar
Keywords: Mechanical 2018
Project Report
Project Report 2018
Mechanical Project Report
CAD/CAM 2018
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2020
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 18MMCC03;
Abstract: The main objective of this thesis is to increase production capacity for meeting the anticipated demand of the customer. This project work includes a collection of data, analysis, and suggested improved solutions by re-evaluating the existing capacity. Firstly, the data were collected for assembly processes by stop watch-time study in which time is measured, additional activities such as MUDA (7 types of production wastes), value-added & non-value-added activities are also captured for each assembly tasks and furthermore, spaghetti chart is also used to traced men-material movements in the assembly line during production. The analysis of assembly line is completed using Pareto chart and TAKT time calculations, in which Pareto Chart is used to find the wastes and most influencing non-value-added activities in order to observe the greatest overall improvement and TAKT time calculation is calculated time frame needed for assembly tasks to satisfy customer demand. Finally, the suggested solutions were implemented for an assembly line which includes kaizen, visual bill of materials, assembly line balancing and U-type assembly layout which helped in utilizing space, optimizing manpower, error-free assembly flow, and equally segregated workload among all. lean manufacturing principles, assembly line balancing and facility layout helped significantly to improve productivity. Moreover, the reduction of production wastes and NVA activities also leads to improve productivity.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (CAD/CAM)

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