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Title: Design of Ammunition Resupply Mechanism And Storage Arrangement
Authors: Trivedi, Karan S
Keywords: Mechanical 2018
Project Report
Project Report 2018
Mechanical Project Report
Ammunition Resupply Mechanism
Ammunition Reloading Mechanism
Ammunition Storage Arrangement
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2020
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 18MMED06;
Abstract: The present work focuses on Design Of Ammunition Resupply Mechanism and Storage Arrangement. Tank is a self-propelled howitzer, which is manufactured by Larsen & Toubro Defence. A self-propelled howitzer is mounted on tracked or wheel motor vehicles. In many cases it is protected by some sort of armor so that it superficially resembles a tank. This armor is designed primarily to protect the crew from small firearms. This project consists of design of an ammunition resupply mechanism as its name suggests that which can resupply the ammunition from the rear part of the tank. As we know in battlefield, there are sometimes situations in which ammunition inside the tank are not enough and has been already fired or used. So, a reloading and resupply of ammunition is done by the army people manually. But the army people have to come out of the tank, expose them to surroundings and pick the ammunition by themselves and do the transfer into tank manually. So, the main aim of this project is to design an enclosed system with mechanism which can automatically transfer the ammunition into the rear part of the tank’s turret. The mechanism includes ammunition stored in certain specific orientation and with the help of sensors and controllers it would transfer according to the type of ammunition required.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (Design)

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