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Title: Design, Analysis and Detail Engineering of Pressure Vessel
Authors: Suryavanshi, Yagnesh Vijaybhai
Keywords: Mechanical 2018
Project Report
Project Report 2018
Mechanical Project Report
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2020
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 18MMED15;
Abstract: Steam generator is a shell and tube heat exchanger use for generating steam in nuclear power plant to generate electricity. In nuclear power plant, each reactor is connected with 4,700 MWe steam generators. Nowadays, pressurized heavy water reactor steam generators are used to generate steam at high temperature and high pressure. Steam generated at high temperature and pressure is used to run turbine. L & T heavy engineering, Hazira, is designing and manufacturing four nuclear steam generator of 700 MWe for Gorakhpur Haryana Anu Vidyut Pariyojana (GHAVP) for Nuclear Power Corporation of India. The Emergency Feed Water Vessel (EFWV) is an independent connection to feed water ring header. The purpose is to feed the steam generator for maintaining the safe water level after sudden loss of water at time of emergency. This acts as safety injection system on the failure of main feed water line. The Emergency Feed Water Vessel is of a vertical configuration which is supported on skirt supports. Vessel comprises of cylindrical shell, ellipsoidal heads, and nozzles, skirt supports with vents, Top ring and Base ring. In the present study of design of Emergency Feed Water vessel is carried out as per ASME BPVC section III division 1 subsection NB. In which required tentative thickness for each components of emergency feed water vessel for internal design conditions are calculated and Reinforcement for vessel components based on ASME BPVC section III division 1 subsection NB -3324 are checked. Skirt design for Emergency Feed Water vessel as per ASME BPVC section III division 1 subsection NF is carried out and stresses for each skirt are checked. Finite element analysis are carried out to evaluate the stress intensities under each loading condition for Vessel as per ASME Section III, Div.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (Design)

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