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dc.contributor.authorThadani, Kritika-
dc.contributor.authorPandya, Dhwani-
dc.description.abstractAim To identify the appropriate mice model and to monitor response of the animal to sub-cutaneous tumor induction. Methodology B16 cell line was cultured using F10 media invitro and in sterile conditions until 65% confluent. These were then injected sub-cutaneously to two mice models C57 and Swiss Albino. Both mice models were monitored continuously and we compared the difference between the induction rate and mortality rate among the two. Also for Swiss Albino compete blood count was performed on 0thand 45thday to evaluate any morphological or number of changes in WBC and RBC. We also analyzed bodyweight of Swiss Albino on 10th and 45th day to look for the increase or decrease in weight. Results There was a significant difference in the induction and mortality rate for both the models. Swiss Albino had very low induction rate though the dose of cell line was dramatically higher as compared to C57 which had 100% induction rate with a low dose of cell line. Mortality rate was much higher in C57 in just 10 days and remarkably low in Swiss Albino. RBC count and WBC count showed no significant results, which is similar in case of bodyweight for Swiss Albino. Conclusion As Swiss Albino is ideal to study tumor biology so to evaluate structural and growth of tumor this model would be preferred whereas C57 is an immunogenic model and is ideal to study and physiological changes of the tumoren_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Science, Nirma Universityen_US
dc.subjectProject Reporten_US
dc.subjectProject Report 2020en_US
dc.titleModel Selection and Response of Animal Models to Sub - Cutaneous Tumor Inductionen_US
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, BC

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