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Title: Understanding the Metagenomic Data in Diabetic Studies from the gut Microflora and Metabolic Pathways Perspective
Authors: Shah, Pinkal
Joshi, Yajurva
Keywords: Biotechnology
Project Report
Project Report 2020
Issue Date: May-2020
Publisher: Institute of Science, Nirma University
Series/Report no.: ;SDR00372
Abstract: Gut microbiota, the community network of microbes inhabiting in the human gut are responsible for maintaining metabolic responses and overall healthy. It is as distinctive as “fingerprint” in every individual. Type-2 diabetes is one of such metabolic disorders which can be rooted back to the imbalance in gut microbiota. Various next generation sequencing techniques and computational platforms are used to perform “Metagenomic analysis”, Comparative study of metagenomic data can be aidful in identifying the healthy/diseased state. To carry out such cohort study, we took raw-data sequences of 16S rRNA from NCBI that is compatible to our analysis platform: MG-RAST. We tried to check the ratio difference between normal and Type 2 Diabetic subjects in order to map a fundamental design for personalized nutrition. It provides multiple options for visual exploration as well as community profiling to check for diversity. Results showed that imbalance in Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes might lead to systemic inflammation, glucose intolerance and insulin resistance. This can be regulated in beneficiary ways by controlling the mutable risk factors, including lifestyle and biogeographical conditions.
Description: SDR00372
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, BC

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