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Title: To Understand the role of adipose Tissue in Experminetal Diabesity
Authors: Nagdev, Hina
Kanani, Shailaja,
Puri, Sonakshi
Keywords: Biochemistry
Project Report
Project Report 2020
Issue Date: May-2020
Publisher: Institute of Science, Nirma University
Series/Report no.: ;SDR00374
Abstract: Diabesity is the concurrence of two major epidemics: Diabetes and Obesity. Diabesity encompasses insulin resistance, dysbacteriosis, adipose hypertrophy and hyperplasia and enlarged liver. In our work, we present that by the administration of greasy high fat diet in Sprague Dawley rats, the give-and-take functions of various organs are affected due to accumulation of fat. The hypertrophied adipose leads to lessening of the integral adipokineadiponectin and the surge of adipokine- leptin, which escalates inflammation by shooting up M1 macrophages. The resultant inflammation is assisted by imbalanced microorganisms aiding to the progression of disease. The disparity between the gram negative and gram positive bacteria coaxes disproportionate short-chain fatty acids (SCFA’s) (decreased butyrate, increased acetate and propionate). Their misproportion backs up the advancement of the disease. The inter-organ crosstalk between gut microbiome, adipose and liver might help to get a new insight of this disease. KEYWORDS: Diabesity, Diabetes, Obesity, Gut microbiome, Insulin resistance, Inflamation.
Description: SDR00374
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, BC

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