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dc.contributor.authorSalvi, Anand-
dc.contributor.authorRaninga, Ishita-
dc.contributor.authorMadhwani, Kajal-
dc.contributor.authorMadhvani, Stuti-
dc.description.abstractMelanoma is a rare and the most serious􀀒severe type of skin cancer among all the other skin cancers where it accounts for about 1% of skin cancer cases. The vast majority of deaths due to melanoma are associated with its tendency to metastasize􀀒spread to other parts of body. 􀀧ue to increasing risk of melanoma it makes a fetal and deadly disease across the globe. Melanoma use plethora of mechanisms to suppress the immune cells and promote the metastasis. 􀀧uring progression of melanoma various type of immunosuppressive cells get accumulated that promotes the tumor expansion and stops the tumor clearance. M􀀧SCs are potent immunosuppressive cells that are accumulated in TMEs and suppress the T cells functions. We have performed this study to investigate the profiling of M􀀧SCs in melanoma and correlate with levels of T cells and its subsets. We have used C􀀘􀀚BL􀀒􀀙 mice as a model organism to induce the melanoma by cancerous cell line B1􀀙F10. Appearance of ‘bleb’ confirms the onset of melanoma. Mice having solid tumor (n=8) and control mice (n=8) were sacrificed and splenocytes were isolated to measure the levels of M􀀧SCs and its subsets (PMN-M􀀧SCs and M-M􀀧SCs). We have also measured the changes in levels of M􀀧SCs with disease severity and outcomes. The percentage of total M􀀧SCs and PMN-M􀀧SCs was found to be significantly higher in mice having tumor as compared to controls. As compared to control, percentage of PMN-M􀀧SCs were found to be two fold higher in tumor bearing mice. However, the percentage of M-M􀀧SCs were found to be comparable in both groups. Our study showed the accumulation of immune suppressive cells. The level of total M􀀧SCs and PMN-M􀀧SCs were found to be elevated in mice bearing melanoma. We have also reported that extend of immunosuppression, depends on the level of M􀀧SCs.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Science, Nirma Universityen_US
dc.subjectProject Reporten_US
dc.subjectProject Report 2020en_US
dc.titleTo Investiga the Levels of MDSCs and Its Subsets (PMN - MDSC) in Metanomaen_US
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, BT

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