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Title: DLT Enabled IoT Devices
Authors: Mashru, Harsh
Keywords: Computer 2018
Project Report 2018
Computer Project Report
Project Report
NT 2018
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2020
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 18MCEN07;
Abstract: Distributed Ledger/ Blockchain Technology is an Immutable, Digitized and Decentralized set of record which is renown for its security and privacy. Blockchain is basically an append-only ledger which is immutable as the address/hash of each block is dependent on the previous blocks. Since the introduction of Bitcoin, The Blockchain Technology has intrigued developers and researchers and since then there is an exponential growth in the technology. Also there is humongous amount of research going on currently in the field to constantly make it better. Currently what we have done is also a part of evaluation for enhancing the performance of the blockchain. Though I started with a small tutorial to get my Hands-on the technology eventually getting to Universal Logins. Universal Logins is an Ethereum Funded project that is an SDK for Decentralized Application's(DApp's) to make the User Experience better with the DApp's. Currently it is in progress. It basically uses a relayer which helps the user to initiate the transaction and also it allows the user to login into different DApp's using the same Id's that were created using the first transaction. This process is very much easy compared to the conventional process where the user had to initialize the transaction and store the key phrase for every new DApp. Then Perun Networks is a Layer 2 blockchain protocol that is used for performing the o_-chain transactions. Basically the summary of the transactions is uploaded to the blockchain and not all the transactions. Basically it creates a virtual channel between peers and till the extent the transactions are on, the channel exist and then it is shut and the final entry is updated in the ledger. Then inferring the knowledge from Perun networks and other state channel protocols we published a paper revolving around the use of the state channel protocols in the Iot Networks. Basically it proposed a framework to select the state channel protocols for the IoT networks. Eventually a Blockchain Enabled hardware device was implemented where Bosch specific sensor devices named XDK was used which communicated within itself and the transaction was stored in the blockchain. The devices acts as a producer and consumer respectively and there is a financial transaction between them as the one who initiates the transaction and requests for the data, pays for it. Currently the evaluation of Hyperledger Avalon a flavor of the Hyperledger framework is in progress.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CE (NT)

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