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Title: Blockchain Based Food Processing System
Authors: Parmar, Akshaybhai
Keywords: Computer 2018
Project Report 2018
Computer Project Report
Project Report
NT 2018
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2020
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: (18MCEN11);
Abstract: With the global growth of food products, the food quality and safety assurance have be-come progressively difficult. Specifically, the traceability of food turns to be a very critical task for retailers, sellers, consumers, surveillance authorities, and other stake holders. To empowers the entire food supply-chain to any food safety disaster detection such as bacteria, viruses, and health-endangering substances. Additionally, verification of food authenticity (correct declaration of cultivation, origin, and variety) andquality check (e.g., a justification for higher prices) are needed to be monitor to prevent it from food fraudsters. The ubiquitousand promising technology Blockchain ensures the traceability of food trade networks with high potential and handles the issuesas mentioned above. Blockchain makes the food industry more transparent in all levels by storing data in an immutable way and enable quick tracking across all food process steps. Hence, commodities, take holders, and semi-finished food items can be recognized significantly faster. Motivated from these facts, we emphasized the security issues on the food industry along with their depiction of issues and revealed how embryonic technology blockchain could handle it. Further, we proposed blockchain-based secure and decentralized food industry architecture to mitigate security and privacy issues along with the detailed taxonomy of the blockchain-based food industry. Finally, we scrutinize the open research challenges of the blockchain-based food industry.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CE (NT)

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