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Title: Judicial trends on laws protecting women against cruelty and domestic violence in India
Authors: Dave, Anushree
Keywords: Dissertation
Issue Date: 21-Jan-2021
Publisher: Institute of Law, NU
Series/Report no.: LDR0063;
Abstract: Women have been subjugated by all sections of society and by all civilizations around the world so while drafting the constitution and preparing the laws special status has been conferred upon women to provide them equal rights and freedom as to men. Thus various laws protecting women and to prevent them from any kind of intimidation and harassment which are prevailing in society by way of cruelty, dowry , violence and sexual offences .Time and again the laws have been ameliorated as to combat the offences. Also the crime rates are rising at alarming rate especially even after the laws in action.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, IL

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