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Title: Analytical Study of Human Rights in India with Special Reference to Rights of Women
Authors: Mittal, Vatsala
Keywords: Dissertation
Issue Date: 21-Jan-2021
Publisher: Institute of Law, NU
Series/Report no.: LDR0059;
Abstract: These lines of the Father of Nation, Mahatma Gandhi have actually0sown the seeds of this research work. Humiliation of one0human being by other0, results in an individual with a0very low self-confidence. This state of mind0further increases agony0of the person and the person0tends to lose his dignity0due to lack of social acceptance.0 It is important to improve upon the sense of values and cultures embedded in our society which made ancient India so great. The genes of modern Human Rights can be traced to the U N charter adapted at San Francisco. It aimed at promoting and encouraging respect for Human Rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to caste, creed, race, sex language or religion. The UN declaration of 1st January 1942 clearly stated that, ‘Complete victory over their enemies was essential to defend life, liberty, independence and religious freedom and to preserve Human Rights and justice in their own landss as well as in other lands.’ Human Rights as such, have long history. The concept of0Human Rights can be traced0to the origin of human race0itself. All societies have Human Rights notions and cross culturally and historically manifested concepts of Human Rights. The concept of Human Rights as an individual’s political, legal rights0and protection of the same is the duty of the 0state is a concept of modern history, particularly0 ‘The Magna Carta’ of year 1215.
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