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Title: Liposomes: A Vescular Drug Delivery System for Drug Targeting
Authors: Shah, Hetvi S.
Keywords: PPR00948
B. Pharm Project Report
Vesicular Drug Delivery System
Issue Date: May-2020
Publisher: Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, A'bad
Series/Report no.: PPR00948;
Abstract: The contemporary conditions shows that hardly any particular innovative delivery of drug seems ideal which transports drug at pre-established rate according to the condition, drug profile, pharmacological conditions, physiological aspects of the body and so forth with hardly any after effects. A vesicular drug delivery system are profoundly structured assembly that consists of one or even more bilayers that are concentric and developed due to self-assembling of amphiphillic components in the waters existence. This system is especially vital for selective drug delivery, to locate the activity of drug in the infected organ or tissue and hence at various the body sites the concentration lowers. The vesicular drug delivery system are of various types such as liposome, niosome, archeosome, etc. The purpose behind these study was to introduce vesicular delivery of drug as the novel approaches and to study the advances made in Vesicular Drug Delivery System.
Description: Guided by Dr. Shital Butani
Appears in Collections:B. Pharm Project Reports

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