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Title: Drug Delivery System for the Treatment of Neurological Disorder
Authors: Joshi, Khyatiben D.
Keywords: PPR00965
B. Pharm Project Report
Nervous System
Neurological Disease
Issue Date: May-2020
Publisher: Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, A'bad
Series/Report no.: PPR00965;
Abstract: There are so many disorders in the worldwide which threatens the life. Neurological conditions are one of this condition and these conditions will concluded to that so many different problems related to neurons inside central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. Where it is also get information that very initial period of this disease identification for this problem stays very low. That But after the diseases comes to their mild to moderate condition than the problems starts to show the some symptoms related to it. These conditions are kind of related to brain. Because of these diseases person becomes mentally impaired. There are lots of cases every year of the neurological problem. Dementia is the 7th leading reason behind the condition like this as the stroke on number two. So in this review project/ thesis i included what the exactly neurological disease is what kind of conditions is included in that. What the impact of these disorders on the public. Is there any cure or not. These disorders treatment are not that much easy because of the obstacle like blood brain barrier inside the brain. So we need some approaches to handle here the Nano technological approach are defined for that. Also it‘s strategies like how many other ways these can control or treated all are included in the mainly the three approaches are included are the first miscellaneous which includes the route like intranasal, intersttinial, and others which can ignore the BBB and can easily reached to the site of action. Obstacle will not come in its way. Where other one is the invasive process which include the method like disruption of blood brain barrier in which they break this kind of obstacle which comes in between of their way. And another will be invasive technique in which take a advantage of this obstacle or take help from it and get their way to reach at the targeted side this techniques are the chemical, or prodrug etc. so this review project shows the approaches and it‘s strategies for the neurological problem using the nanotechnology which also the use of it to pass the these kind of obstruction for these treatment relating that patients who suffering from the neurological disorders.
Description: Guided by Dr. Mayur M. Patel
Appears in Collections:B. Pharm Project Reports

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