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Title: Topical Nanoformulations
Authors: Thaker, Mauli P.
Keywords: PPR00975
B. Pharm Project Report
Skin disturbances
Lipophilic Drugs
Issue Date: May-2020
Publisher: Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, A'bad
Series/Report no.: PPR00975;
Abstract: Topical drug delivery system is one of the simplest ways to administer drugs. The use of drugs through the skin to treat or heal the skin disturbances can be described as a topical drug delivery. There devices are typically applied in local skin infections, such as fungal infections, where prescriptions are not used. In this review article, physiology of human skin, some skin diseases, drugs penetrating through skin, routes of drug penetration, methods for enhancing drug penetration, and novel approaches of topical nano formulations has been shown. Targeted drug delivery to specific sites is the significant problem which is being faced by the researchers. The development of newcolloidal carrier called nanosponges has the potential to solve these problems. Nanosponge is a novel and emerging technologywhich offers controlled drug delivery for topical use. In this review article, application of nanosponges, its preparation methods andevaluation have been discussed. Nanosponges play a vital role in targeting drug delivery in a controlled manner. A wide variety ofdrugs can be loaded into nanosponge for targeting drug delivery. Both lipophilic as well as hydrophilic drugs can be loaded intonanosponges. Nanosponge drug delivery system has emerged as one of the most promising fields in life science.
Description: Guided by Dr. Dhaivat Parikh
Appears in Collections:B. Pharm Project Reports

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