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Title: Fundamentals, Aperture Probes and Applications of Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy
Authors: Patel, Mili J.
Keywords: PPR00977
B. Pharm Project Report
Pharmaceutical Analysis
optical fibers
Raman spectroscopy
Issue Date: Apr-2020
Publisher: Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, A'bad
Series/Report no.: PPR00977;
Abstract: We explain the basics of scanning optical near-field microscopy with aperture probes in this study. Aspects of light propagation in metal-coated, tapered optical fibers are considered after consideration of instrumentation and probe manufacturing. It involves propagation properties in the vicinity of sub wavelength apertures as well as field distributions. In addition, the process for the creation of optical objects near-field is studied with special emphasis on possible artifact sources. Selected applications, including amplitude and phase contrast imaging, fluorescence imaging, and Raman spectroscopy, as well as optical near-field desorption, were discussed to illustrate the prospects of the technique. Such examples show that scanning optical near-field microscopy is no longer an uncommon process, but has become a valuable tool.
Description: Guided by Dr. Charmy S. Kothari
Appears in Collections:B. Pharm Project Reports

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