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dc.contributor.authorShah, Neel A.-
dc.descriptionGuided by Dr. Mohit Shahen_US
dc.description.abstractThe mainpurpose of this study was development and evaluation of the topical formulations that is gels and creams using the gelling agents like Carbopol and HPMC in two different ratios and two different bases for the cream that is bees wax and stearic acid. The drug which was chosen was Diclofenac Sodium which is a NSAIS and mostly used as analgesic. All the prepared formulations of gels and creams were tested and evaluation tests for physical appearance, stability, drug content were performed and all the formulations showed acceptable characteristics. The drug release of all the prepared batches were carried out by an apparatus called as Franz Diffusion cell. The optimized batch was obtained from the results of the evaluation tests and were further validated for its rheological properties.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, A'baden_US
dc.subjectB. Pharm Project Reporten_US
dc.subjectDiclofenac Sodiumen_US
dc.subjectRheological propertiesen_US
dc.subjectFranz Diffusion cellen_US
dc.titleDevelopment and Optimization of Trans-dermal Formulations of Diclofenac sodiumen_US
dc.typeProject Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:B. Pharm Project Reports

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