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dc.contributor.authorRangwala, Tasneem-
dc.description.abstractNutraceuticals are a part of our daily life nowadays. Depending upon natural foods and sticking to its health benefits is all what we need in recent times. Helping ur body to build immunity and preventing it on beforehand is a wise decision to make these days. Nutraceuticals is an emerging market in all over the world due to less side effects and more health benefits and even beneficial to the economic condition of an individual. They were discovered since long before but Stephen Defelice gave its name by combining the properties of nutrition and pharmaceuticals to make nutraceuticals. All the countries are focusing on more research in this field as it is a promising field for consumers. People have gained a lot of confidence in nutraceuticals because they have less chemicals and synthetic materials although their shape and appearance might be same as pharmaceuticals. Along with all these it is very necessary that their manufactured is monitored so they are safe to use. Like pharmaceuticals they also have regulatory requirements for their production or getting approval for placing in the market. Herein I have discussed about the registration requirements of nutraceuticals in GCC and SADC region having countries Dubai, Morocco and Zimbabwe, Zambia respectively. Knowing about the requirements from start to end helps in preparing a product for marketing authorization. Nutraceuticals in these countries are well regulated and governed.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, A'baden_US
dc.subjectDissertation Reporten_US
dc.subjectPharmaceutical Analysisen_US
dc.subjectRegulatory Affairsen_US
dc.titleNutraceuticals Registration Requirements in GCC and SADC Regionen_US
Appears in Collections:M.Pharm. Research Reports, Pharmaceutical Analysis

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