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Title: An overview of Nanocrystal as a Drug Delivery System
Authors: Patel, Nirali Ghanshyambhai
Keywords: PPR00984
B. Pharm Project Report
Issue Date: Apr-2020
Publisher: Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, A'bad
Series/Report no.: PPR00984;
Abstract: During the last few decades, much advancement in contemporary technologies is generated in the area of development as well as in pharmaceutical research. Nanotechnology is the most important technology which is used to enhance the properties of the drug and its therapeutic index. Nanocrystals are one of the examples of nanotechnologies. Drug nanocrystals are playing a vital role in improving the poorly soluble properties of the drug. Due to its smaller size and large surface area it improves the solubility and dissolution rate. In this review paper, the reasons for using nanocrystal in drug, type of nanocrystal, methods for preparation of nanocrystal, pharmaceutical application, work done by various researcher and challenges of nanocrystal are reviewed.
Description: Guided by Dr. Bhagwati Saxena and Co-guide Shital Butani
Appears in Collections:B. Pharm Project Reports

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