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dc.contributor.authorParikh, Yash N.-
dc.descriptionGuided by Dr. Bhoomika M. Patelen_US
dc.description.abstractThrough shielding the brain from dangerous agents, the blood-brain barrier (BBB) also controls and restricts medical entry to brain. The nose-to-brain administration of medications allows active drug delivery targeting the brain and avoids the first-pass metabolism along with bypassing the Blood Brain Barrier. The medicine will enter the brain through the trigeminal along with olfactory nerves in the higher portion consisting the nasal cavity through the nasal tract. Nanoemulsions are nanomedicine-related formulations. This consists of emulsions (oil normally in water), which are supplied by single or multiple surfactants along with co-surfactants in low (150–320 nm or less) droplets with a large area. To inhibit rapid nasal clearing a mucoadhesive polymer such as chitosan may be applied. Nanoemulsions are effective medications for distributing intranasal medicines straight to the brain. These should also be used in order to prevent complications such as low water solubility, reduced bioavailability, enzyme loss, and late initiation of operation as a potential alternative to oral administration. This analysis reflects on the present situation in literature with special reference to recent publications surrounding the application of nanoemulsions to reach from nose-to-brain. Nasal nano-emulsions seem reliable, non-invasive and healthy for the treatment of neurological disorders related brain.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, A'baden_US
dc.subjectB. Pharm Project Reporten_US
dc.subjectblood-brain barrier (BBB)en_US
dc.subjectnasal tracen_US
dc.subjectNeurological disordersen_US
dc.titleNanoemulsion: A Novel Approach for Intransal Drug Delivery Systemen_US
dc.typeProject Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:B. Pharm Project Reports

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