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Title: Targeted Drug Delivery in Cancer Therapy
Authors: Patel, Riddhi M.
Keywords: PPR01023
B. Pharm Project Report
tumors pathology
Issue Date: May-2020
Publisher: Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, A'bad
Series/Report no.: PPR01023;
Abstract: Chemotherapy has become the primary therapeutic technique for cancer sufferers, although, rate of success remains poor, primarily due to cancer tissue's restricted availability of medication, some intolerable efficacy, multidrug tolerance growth, as well as the increasing cancer's complex homogeneous biology. Enhanced knowledge to tumors pathology into recent times including latest optimized approaches to drug delivery which is being pursued utilizing exceptional nanosystem as well as bioconjugate resource optimism for effective cancer therapy growth.
Description: Guided by Dr. Mohit Shah
Appears in Collections:B. Pharm Project Reports

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