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Title: Recent Advances in Antioxidants Therapy in Hypertension
Authors: Gadhavi, Vinay J.
Keywords: PPR01038
B. Pharm Project Report
Pharmaceutical Analysis
Anti Oxidants Therapy
Reactive oxidant species (ROS)
Cardiovascular system
Issue Date: May-2021
Publisher: Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, A'bad
Series/Report no.: PPR01038;
Abstract: Hypertension (HTN) and cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading cause of death world wide. A large number of population not just suffers with hypertension but has to learn to live with it. While there are several drugs available in the commercial market to maintain the blood pressure in the patients suffering from hypertension. The risk and side effects of the same are not ignorable. Hence there is a need for more natural therapeutic with minimum risks to more benefits balance. This review is targeted towards one of the approach of antioxidant as a potential treatment strategy for hypertension. It is well established that reactive oxidant species (ROS) and Fred radicals present in the body create an imbalance i and cause several pathophysiological alterations including affect on Cardiovascular system. We will discuss elaborately about various antioxidants as a therapeutic approach to antagonize the reactive oxygen species (ROS) and maintain a micro environment which is more sustainable for maintainince of normal blood pressure. Vinay Gadhvi
Appears in Collections:B. Pharm Project Reports

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