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dc.contributor.authorPatel, Akansha-
dc.contributor.authorSheth, Dhwani-
dc.contributor.authorGohil, Purav-
dc.contributor.authorYadav, Nishant-
dc.description.abstractIn the United States, skin carcinomas are the most common types of malignancies. Over the past few decade’s studies have revealed an upward trend in both melanoma and nonmelanoma cases. Due to this subsequent rise in cases, scientists have conferred interest towards making advancements in the treatment of this disease [1]. The primary motive of anticancer therapies is to selectively target the malignant cells and suppress their growth or cause cell death [2]. However, the better part of the current treatments available for skin cancer also have adverse effects of non-tumour cells. Scientists, in order to develop more efficacious and safer alternatives, have recently tried to investigate the ability of potential compounds like phytochemicals isolated for plant sources against cancer [3]. Recent studies show that medicinal plants and phytochemicals indicate potential anticancer properties. Around 50% of approved anticancer drugs were obtained/derived from natural sources from 1940-2014 [4]. Thus, various natural compounds have been researched and tested against skin cancers via in vitro and in vivo methods. These have shown significant inhibitory and antiproliferative activity against skin tumour cells [5]. Рhytосhemiсаls have the роtentiаl to alter various molecular рrосesses that are linked to skin cancer development and subsequently inhibit tumour proliferation [6].en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, A'baden_US
dc.subjectB. Pharm Project Reporten_US
dc.subjectnatural compoundsen_US
dc.subjectSKIN CANCERen_US
dc.subjectDermatological Productsen_US
dc.titleLatest Updates in Herbal Based Dermatological Products for Skin Canceren_US
dc.typeProject Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:B. Pharm Project Reports

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