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Title: Heat Shock Proteins: Novel Targets for CNS Disorders
Authors: Danani, Jessica
Patel, Khushboo
Desai, Priyanshi
Prajapati, Riyaben
Chabhadia, Rupal
Sagathia, Vrunda
Keywords: PPR01051
B. Pharm Project Report
CNS Disorder
central nervous system
Issue Date: May-2021
Publisher: Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, A'bad
Series/Report no.: PPR01051;
Abstract: Hsps are important chaperone molecules participating in regulation of various processes in the body including the central nervous system. Studies have shown hsps having an integral role in many CNS disorders. Several hsps like Hsp 40, Hsp 27, Hsp 60, Hsp 90, Hsp 70 etc have been found to be effective as a target in CNS diseases. Therefore it is believed that targeting these hsps, can be a novel treatment option for treating those diseases and also several studies have supported the same. In this review, the role of hsps in various CNS disorders like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson’s disease, Neuro inflammation, Huntington's disease and Psychiatric disorders are given along with the possible therapeutic options available targeting hsps. Also we have demonstrated the pathophysiology of all the above mentioned CNS diseases, with that a clear description of the roles of different hsps and their mechanism of action for the treatment of the CNS Diseases. Hence, collectively it suggests that hsps can be a novel target for CNS disorders and can pave a new way for treating these deadly CNS diseases.
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