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Title: Preparation and Evaluation of Metronidazole Topical Gel For Treatment of Rosacea
Authors: Agrawal, Rishabh A.
Keywords: Dissertation Report
Issue Date: May-2021
Publisher: Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, A'bad
Series/Report no.: PDR00652;
Abstract: Rosacea is a long-term skin inflammatory disease which is seen by the presence of high inflammation and redness on the central face. Various types of Rosacea are: A) erythema-to telangiectatic rosacea B) Papulopustular rosacea C) Rhinophyma (phymatous rosacea) D) ocular rosacea. The redness may be caused due to many reasons but Inflammatory lesions, telangiectasia, etc., are not the cause of redness. At the initial stage Rosacea is a result of all 2 types of immunity i.e., innate immunity and adaptive immunity. Some commonly used Drug used treatments of Rosacea are Azelic acid, metronidazole. Topical gels are the semisolid water based transparent/translucent dosage form it shows good application on site of application and is physically more appeasing. Metronidazole is widely used in treatment of Rosacea and also in giardiasis making it multipurpose i.e., antibacterial and also anti-protozoal drug. In metronidazole structure nitro group gets reduced due to anaerobic microbe resulting into the drugs antibacterial effect which acts by denaturation of nucleic acids found in the bacteria. Here in this experiment metronidazole gels were prepared and were evaluated on the basis of various parameters of gels Macroscopic Evaluation, Drug Content Evaluation, pH Determination, and Rheological test, Extrusion or Gel Strength, In-vitro Drug Release. And after the evaluation it was found that excipients like HPMC-K4M, Xanthan gum, Propylene glycol and Galgard trident are the ideal candidate for the preparation pf metronidazole gel
Appears in Collections:M.Pharm. Research Reports, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics

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