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dc.contributor.authorSavjani, Jignasa Ketan-
dc.descriptionAsian Journal of Pharmaceutics - July-September 2015: 147-151en_US
dc.description.abstractCo‑crystal chemistry has recently attracted supramolecular scientists. Co‑crystals are comprising of hydrogen boding assembly between different molecules. Many issues related to performance characteristics of an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) can be resolved using co‑crystallization approach. Proper understanding of crystal structure of an API is required for successful formation of co‑crystals with the selected co‑former. This review article focus on explanation about co‑crystals, intellectual property rights, their advantages and limitations. Co‑crystallization can be achieved using different methods like co‑grinding slurry based, solvent evaporation method, etc. Methods of co‑crystallization are simple and increase the purity of the final product. Co‑crystallization can be applied to the drugs prescribed in combination therapy. Stoichiometric composition of different drugs used in combination therapy can be co‑crystallize to form one solid state form. Physicochemical properties of APIs such as solubility and stability can be improved using co‑crystallization approach. With due regards co‑crystallization should be used with caution because of some issues during manufacturing of final product.en_US
dc.publisherMedknow Publicationsen_US
dc.subjectChiral switchen_US
dc.subjectcrystal engineeringen_US
dc.subjecthydrogen bondingen_US
dc.subjectintellectual property rightsen_US
dc.titleCo‑crystallization: An approach to improve the performance characteristics of active pharmaceutical ingredientsen_US
dc.typeFaculty Papersen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers

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