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Title: Antitumor Potential of Herbomineral Formulation Against Breast Cancer: Involvement of Inflammation and Oxidative Stress
Authors: Bakrania, Anita K.
Nakka, Surender
Variya, Bhavesh C
Shah, Prabodh V
Patel, Snehal S.
Keywords: Adhatoda vasica
Anticancer activity
Boerhavia diffusa
Cruel capsule
Glycyrrhiza glabra
Mammary carcinogenesis
Moringa pterygosperma
Piper nigrum
Syzygium aromaticum
Tinospora cordifolia
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: NISCAIR
Series/Report no.: IPFP0372;
Abstract: evaluated the effect of herbomineral formulation [Cruel capsule (CC), an ayurvedic proprietary medicine] on DMBA-induced mammary carcinogenesis in rat. Fifty days postpartum female Sprague-Dawley rats were grouped into control, control treated with herbomineral formulation (30 mg/kg/day, p.o.), disease control, disease treated with herbomineral formulation (30mg/kg/day,p.o.). Breast cancer was induced by dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) (60 mg/kg, p.o). Animals were palpated twice weekly for the incidence and tumor size. After 48 h of last dose, blood was collected for estimations of LDH, GGT, C-RP & ESR. Animals were sacrificed and tumors isolated for histopathological examinations and antioxidant studies. Treatment with formulation showed significantly decreased LDH, GGT, CRP & ESR compared to disease control group. Histopathological examinations showed hyperplastic and well demarcated tubular inflammation which was improved by treatment with the formulation. Treatment also showed significant decrease in MDA and increase in GSH and SOD levels in breast homogenate as compared to the disease control group. From the present investigations, we can conclude that the herbomineral formulation (CC) inhibits the tumor progression and the mechanism for the chemopreventive potential of formulation may be due to its anti-inflammatory, antiangiogenic and antioxidant potential.
Description: Indian Journal of Experimental Biology; Vol. 55, October 2017, pp. 680-687
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers

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