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Title: Intranasal Delivery of Nanotherapeutics/ Nanobiotherapeutics for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease: A Proficient Approach
Authors: Dhas, Namdev L.
Kudarha, Ritu R.
Mehta, Tejal A.
Keywords: Rostral Migratory Stream
Transcribral Route
Smart Polymers
Stem Cells
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Begell House
Series/Report no.: IPFP0410;
Abstract: Therapeutics and biotherapeutics-based fabrication of nanoparticles has fascinated scientists since the past two decades and exciting challenges have been surmounted. Particular interest has been paid to the exploitation of functionalized nanocarriers in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) using nasal route. Development of various material-based nanocarriers is a common approach to obtain advanced drug delivery systems possessing the ability to follow intranasal (IN) route for brain targeting, which would ultimately ameliorate the effect of AD. This review highlights the various pathological theories for AD along with their controversies. This work intends to provide a thorough, up-to-date, and holistic discussion on various pathways for nose-to-brain delivery and different formulation factors impacting on nasal absorption. The various material properties and their engineered nanocarriers as a smart delivery system, including synergistic effect of therapeutic/biotherapeutic agent in IN delivery as well as in AD therapy have been discussed. This review also emphasizes toxicity, especially neuro toxicity concerns pertaining to drug delivery systems.
Description: Critical Reviews in Therapeutic Drug Carrier Systems, 36(5):373–447 (2019)
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers

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