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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12MMCC16.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Analysis & Modification of Axial Flow Fan Blades for Improvement in Air VelocityParikh, Akash
12MMCC07.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Analysis and Simulation of Bearing Fault Detection Using FFT Analyser for Self-Aligning Ball BearingJani, Umang B.
12MMCC18.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Analysis of Plasma Arc Cutting Parameters using Design of ExperimentPatel, Ashil V.
12MMCC14.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Burst Analysis Risk Mitigation of Explosion in EnginesPanchal, Jay P.
12MMCC06.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Design & analysis of Bi-Drum BoilerGirach, Ayaz Mohammedhesenbhai
12MMCC04.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Design and Analysis of Fatigue Testing Machine for Twist DrillBoghara, Bipin Kantibhai
12MMCC15.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Design and Analysis of Gating and Risering System for Casting of Ball ValvesPanchal, Pranav G.
12MMCC34.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Design and Automation of Low Pressure Die Casting MachinePatel, Hardik R.
12MMCC30.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Design and Simulation of Welding Fixture for D-pillar in BIW(Body in white)lineVachhani, Ankur B.
12MMCC20.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Design Automation of Compressor Parts using CAD SoftwarePatel, Dhaval M.
12MMCC05.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Design Automation of Nozzle Reinforcement Analysis For Pressure VesselDesai, Bhavik K.
12MMCC01.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Design of Mirror and Whiffle Tree Mechanism for Ground and Space ApplicationArdeshana, Bhavik A.
12MMCC09.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Design of Turning Fixtures and Handling Frames for Cryogenic Vessel ComponentsKushwaha, Rahul B.
12MMCC28.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Design Optimization of Bandsaw BladeSitapara, Dharmit R.
12MMCC17.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Design, Development and Analysis of Deferential Drive System for 18 HP Mini TractorParmar, Devendra V.
12MMCC31.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Design, Development and Analysis of Steering Mechanism and Front Axle of 18-HP mini TractorRathod, Milind N.
12MMCC26.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Development of MRP Software for Clutch Manufacturing Unit Using VBASabugar, Saddam Husain
12MMCC19.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Development of Vertical Trimming and Beading MachinePatel, Devansh
12MMCC27.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Dynamic Study and Stress Analysis of Mechanism in Circuit BreakerSharma, Devang
12MMCC33.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Experimental Investigations and Thermo Mechanical Modelling of Friction Stir Welding of Heat Treatable Aluminium AlloyPaija, Parag