Browsing by Subject CAD/CAM 2022

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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jun-2024Analysis and Development of Battery-Operated Transfer TrolleyChavda, Dhaval
1-Jun-2024Analysis of Triplex Plunger PumpLad, Kirtan Paritosh
1-Jun-2024Design and Analysis of Gantry Crane GirderGadhavi, Prashant
1-Jun-2024Design and Development of Manual Guided VehicleKotadiya, Smit S
1-Jun-2024Design and Manufacturing of Shell to Nozzle Assembly FixturePandya, Nihar
1-Jun-2024Design of special purpose grinding machine structure for Back-Gouging of T-Joint Weld Groove for Full Penetration WeldingAyush Prajapati, Ayush
1-Jun-2024Design of Universal Fixture for MCCB and Capacity Enhancement of assembly line of Air Circuit BreakerPatel, Riken
1-Jun-2024Design, Development and Ground Testing of the Hexapod SystemPrajapati, Vijay
1-Jun-2024Dynamic Analysis of Battery Unit for Hydraulic ExcavatorVyas, Hem N
1-Jun-2024Effect of Helical Baffle Inclination Angle on Thermal Characteristic for Shell and Tube Heat ExchangerVaghela, Jay
1-Jun-2024Experimental Characterization Of Shape Memory Alloy Based Hold Down And Release Mechanism (HDRM)Molvi, Gulamrabbani
1-Jun-2024Finite Element Analysis of Bimetal and Thermal knob for MCCBs & Lower Link FixtureSharma, Yash
1-Jun-2024Implementing Generative Artificial Intelligence in Computer Aided EngineeringPrajapati, Aayush Ketan
1-Jun-2024Noise vibration and harshness analysis of gearbox for electric vehiclePrajapati, Rajat
1-Jun-2024Quality Improvement and Reliability Enhancement of the MCCBTrivedi, Nisarg Ketankumar
1-Jun-2024Study of FEA Approach for Temperature Change Prediction during Crush Event of Lithium-Ion BatteryParthkumar Patel, Parthkumar
1-Jun-2024To Design and Develop Force a Feed Lubrication System for Triplex Plunger Pump with help of GE Rotor PumpShakya, Rishabhsingh