Browsing by Subject CASAD 2013

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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
13MCLC04.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Analysis And Design Of Curved U-Shaped Prestressed Precast GirderDesai, Mahir
13MCLC08.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Analysis And Design Of Straight And Curved Span Post-Tensioned Psc Box-Girder Bridge As Per IRC:112-2011Maniar, Jahnavi
13MCLC18.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Analytical Evaluation of Capacity of Steel Fiber Reinforced Polymer Strengthen Circular ColumnShah, Krupesh
13MCLC12.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Application Of Graphics Processing Unit For Parallel Processing In Structural EngineeringPatel, Vivek
13MCLC17.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Behavior of Masonry Buildings using Shock TableShah, Deepen
13MCLC02.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Behavior of Precast Beam-Column Connection away from the Junction Under Progressive Collapse ScenarioBhatt, Yash
13MCLC34.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Behavior of Precast Beam-Column Connection under Progressive Collapse ScenarioPatel, Dhaval
13MCLC06.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Behavior Of Steel Moment Resisting Frame With Reduced Beam SectionGondalia, Sahil
13MCLC05.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Behaviour Of Hollow Rc Beam Under Pure Cyclic TorsionGajipara, Jaydeep
13MCLC21.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Behaviour Of Infill Panels Under Lateral LoadSharma, Sandesh
13MCLC32.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Design Of RCC Box Girder Type Bridge Superstructure, Plate Wall Pier & Open Foundation Using IRC:112-2011Malani, Vivek
13MCLC20.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Durability Studies for Ambient Cured Geopolymer Concrete using GGBFS as Source MaterialShah, Ronak
13MCLC28.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Durability studies of Fly Ash and GGBFS based Geopolymer concrete at Ambient TemperaturePandit, Tirth
13MCLC10.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Dynamic Characterization of Shock TablePatel, Kashyap
13MCLC33.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Pervious Concrete with Changing Cement contentPatel, Nikhil
13MCLC30.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Evaluation of Progressive Collapse Resistance of High Rise Building with Different Structural SystemsKapadiya, Jay
13MCLC13.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Near Surface Mounted Basalt Fibre Reinforced Polymer Bars for Flexural Strengthening of RC BeamsPatrawala, Husain
13MCLC16.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Experimental Evaluation of Building Response under Dynamic LoadingPatel, Rushi
13MCLC09.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Experimental Study of SFRP in Retrofitting of ColumnPatel, Deven
13MCLC15.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015K-Silicate based Fiber-Reinforced Geopolymer ConcreteRathod, Harsh