Browsing by Subject Design 2013

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
13MMED05.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Analysis of Nozzle of Pressure Vessel under Complex LoadingsJoshi, Chinmay Ashok
13MMED02.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Design & Development Of Circuit Breaker With Spring Charged Operating MechanismSunasara, Fahim Raza
13MMED04.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Design and Analysis of Belly Mounted LNG SemitrailerJansari, Chirag C.
13MMED07.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Design And Analysis Of Caustic Recovery Tank For Bottle Washer MachinePandya, Jaimin Girishchandra
13MMED13.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Design and Analysis of Centrifugal PumpShravage, Sankalp Sunil
13MMED14.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Design and Analysis of Fabrication Cum Transportation FrameJain, Sourabh
13MMED01.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Design and Analysis of High Pressure Feedwater HeaterDesai, Vatsal N.
13MMED06.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Design And Analysis Of Picking And Checking Mechanism For Shuttle LoomPanchal, Vipal Rameshkumar
13MMED10.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Design And Analysis Of Shrink Fitted Multilayer Pressure Vessel Under Mechanical LoadsPatil, Bhushan B.
13MMED08.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Design and Analysis of Storage Rack for Rubber coated Rolls and Vertical Carousal Rack for Calendared Rubber Sheet RollsPatel, Chirag
13MMED16.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Design and Finite Element Analysis of Clamp Cylinder for Capacity Augmentation of injection Moulding MachineJasoliya, Vimal
13MMED17.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Design of CNC Engraving MachineLimbasiya, Dharmesh
13MMED03.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Design of the Rotating Fixture For the Transportation of the End-ShieldGupta, Nilesh
13MMED09.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Design of Welding Fixture For Long Seam Welding and Nozzle Welding ArrangementPatel, Niral
13MMED12.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Mechanical Behavior of Large Diameter Flexible Pipes Subjected to External and Internal LoadingSalgar, Sharad Kinchak
13MMED11.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Mechanical Design of De-Dusting System for Sinter PlantPrakash, Ravi
13MMED18.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Study and Optimization of existing design of LP turbine’s ComponentVaidya, Unmesh Samir
13MMED15.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Vibration Analysis of Vertical Turbine PumpGajera, Vishal Dhirajlal