Browsing by Subject ITFEC002

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
ITFEC002-3.pdf.jpg1-Feb-2008Application of Receive Diversity to Rapidly Time Varying Channels with Partial Knowledge at the ReceiverTrivedi, Y. N.; Chaturvedi, A. K.
ITFEC002-4.pdf.jpg5-Nov-2007Application of Transmit Diversity to Rapidly Time Varying Channels with Partial Channel Knowledge at the ReceiverTrivedi, Y. N.; Chaturvedi, A. K.
ITFEC002-1.pdf.jpg16-Jan-2009Detection in time-varying wireless channels using partial channel state InformationTrivedi, Y. N.; Chaturvedi, A. K.
ITFEC002-16.pdf.jpg5-Mar-2015Goodness-Of-Fit-Based Non-Parametric Spectrum Sensing Under Middleton Noise For Cognitive RadioPatel, D. K.; Trivedi, Y. N.
TT000115.pdf.jpgJul-2021New Hyperspectral Endmember Extraction Algorithms using Convex GeometryShah, Dharambhai Jayeshkumar
ITFEC002-15.pdf.jpg2015Non-parametric Blind Spectrum Sensing Based on Censored Observations for Cognitive RadioPatel, D. K.; Trivedi, Y. N.
ITFEC002-14.pdf.jpg11-Jun-2013Non-parametric Spectrum Sensing based on Censored Observations in Quasi-static Fading Channel for Cognitive RadioPatel, D. K.; Trivedi, Y. N.
ITFEC002-2.pdf.jpg1-Sep-2006An Overview of JPEG 2000 Encoder and Its Simulation on MATLABShah, Niket; Shah, Pinkesh; Trivedi, Y. N.
ITFEC002-8.pdf.jpg24-Feb-2011PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems: A Simple Approach Based on Clipping and Differential ScalingAggarwal, Aditya; Kapadia, Prachi; Trivedi, Y. N.
ITFEC002-5.pdf.jpg29-Jan-2010Performance Analysis of Alamouti Scheme with Transmit Antenna Selection in MISO SystemsTrivedi, Y. N.; Chaturvedi, A. K.
ITFEC002-12.pdf.jpg15-Feb-2013Performance Analysis of Alamouti Transmit Diversity with A Sub-Optimum Joint Transmit-Receive Antenna Selection SchemeChakravarti, J. M.; Trivedi, Y. N.
ITFEC002-9.pdf.jpg24-Feb-2011Performance Analysis of Alamouti Transmit Diversity with Transmit Antenna Selection for Reduced Feedback RateChakravarti, J. M.; Trivedi, Y. N.
ITFEC002-17.pdf.jpg27-Feb-2015Performance Analysis of MISO Systems with Antenna Selection Over Correlated ChannelsChakravarti, J. M.; Trivedi, Y. N.
ITFEC002-10.pdf.jpg2011Performance Analysis of Multiple input Single Output Systems Using Transmit Beamforming and Antenna Selection with Delayed Channel State Information at the TransmitterTrivedi, Y. N.; Chaturvedi, A. K.
ITFEC002-13.pdf.jpg2013Performance Analysis of OFDM System With Transmit Antenna Selection Using Delayed FeedbackTrivedi, Y. N.
ITFEC002-11.pdf.jpg8-Dec-2011Performance Analysis of Zero Forcing Detector for Alamouti Transmit Diversity with Antenna Selection in Time Varying ChannelThaker, Umang; Iyer, Siddharth; Trivedi, Y. N.
ITFEC002-7.pdf.jpg1-Sep-2006Rural Health Care In India – A ChallengeTrivedi, Y. N.
ITFEC002-6.pdf.jpg1-Sep-2006Simulation of Turbo Codes In MATLABBadopalia, Anirudh; Upasani, Gaurang; Trivedi, Y. N.