Browsing by Subject ITFEC019

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
ITFEC004-5.pdf.jpg2011Audio Compression Using Logarithmic Approach for PSNR EnhancementJoshi, Anikkumar A; Mehta, Ashish H.; Gajjar, Nagendra; Shah, Dhaval G.
ITFEC019-4.pdf.jpg13-Dec-2013BER Performance Improvement with Combination of OVSF Spreading and Convolution code in Inter Satellite Links using FSOShah, Falak; Shah, Kavish; Shah, Dhaval G.
ITFEC019-3.pdf.jpgDec-2012BER Performance of Lognormal Channel Model with Imperfect CSI for Free Space Optical CommunicationShah, Dhaval G.; Kothari, D. K.
ITFEC019-5.pdf.jpg2010FPGA Based On Board Signal Processor for L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radars (SARs)Desai, Takshak; Shah, Dhaval G.
ITFEC030-2.pdf.jpg2011Implementation of Cost Effective IR Based Touch ScreenDabhi, Hardik N.; Chudasama, Samarthsinh M.; Fataniya, Bhupendra; Shah, Dhaval G.
ITFEC030-7.pdf.jpg2016Implementation of Edge Detection Algorithm on FPGA using Hardware Software Co-SimulationFataniya, Bhupendra; Mecwan, Akash; Shah, Dhaval
ITFEC025-11.pdf.jpg28-Nov-2013Implementation of OFDM Transceiver on FPGAMecwan, Akash I.; Shah, Dhaval G.
ITFEC032-1.pdf.jpg13-May-2009Isolated Word RecognitionPanchal, Dipesh; Shah, Dhaval G.; Shavani, Vijay G.
ITFEC019-1.pdf.jpgMay-2009Isolated Word Recognition using MATLABShah, Dhaval G.; Savani, Vijay G.; Panchal, Dipesh
ITFEC019-7.pdf.jpg2014Optimization of 2.5 Gbps WDM-FSO Link Range Under Different Rain Conditions in AhmedabadShah, Dhaval G.; Kothari, D. K.
ITFEC019-8.pdf.jpg2015RS-LDPC Product Code for High SNR ApplicationsShah, Dhaval G.; Padia, Yesha; Jadawala, Himanshi
ITFEC019-2.pdf.jpg2012Study of BER Performances of Various Atmospheric Channel Models for Free Space Optical CommunicationGami, Dhaval; Gujarati, Dhaval; Shah, Dhaval G.
ITFEC019-6.pdf.jpgJan-2014Study of Different Atmospheric Channel ModelsShah, Dhaval G.; Nayak, Bhavin; Jethawani, Dharmendra
ITFEC025-4.pdf.jpg27-Nov-2008Text to Speech SynthesizerMecwan, Akash I.; Savani, Vijay G.; Shah, Dhaval G.