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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
RPP_IT_2021_033.pdf.jpg2021Backtracking search optimization applied to solve short-term electrical real power generation of hydrothermal plantBhattacharjee, Kuntal; Bhattacharya, Aniruddha; Shah, Kathan; Patel, Nitish
15MCHE01.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2017Basic & Detail Engineering for Chlorination of BenzeneDesai, Bhavish Bindesh
14MMCM11.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2016Design and Analysis of Ball Valve for Cryogen Flow Isolation at -196°CPatel, Nehal
18MMED11.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2020Design And Analysis Of Liquid Hydrogen Storage TankPatel, Vibhanshu Amishkumar
05MME014.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2007Design and Optimization of Plasma TorchPujari, Pradip G.
13MMCC04.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Design and Optimization of Poucher MachineMakwana, Vrajesh
14MMCC17.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2016Design Modification and Optimization of Rotary Turret of Poucher MachinePatel, Jigar
13MMCC12.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2015Design Optimization of a Transformer Tank Under Vacuum & Pressure ConditionsShah, Parth
IPFP0209.pdf.jpg2015Development and Optimization of Effervescent Tablets of PromethazinePatel, Amit A.; Parikh, R. H.; Sharma, Om Prakash; Mehta, Tejal A.
16MMCC22.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2018Development Of Pick Fill Seal Pouch Packaging MachineShah, Darsh Y.
IPFP0497.pdf.jpg2022Development, Characterization, and Optimization of a Novel Abiraterone Acetate Formulation to Improve Biopharmaceutical Attributes Aided by Pharmacokinetic ModellingDahiya, Sandeep; Savjani, Ketan; Savjani, Jignasa
IPFP0529.pdf.jpg2023Enhanced Transdermal Delivery of Apremilast Loaded Ethosomes: Optimization, Characterization and In Vivo EvaluationAlfehaid, Fahad Sami; Nair, Anroop B.; Shah, Hiral; Aldhubiab, Bandar; Shah, Jigar; Mewada, Vivek; Jacob, Shery; Attimarad, Mahesh
20MMCC05.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2022Fatigue Analysis and Optimization of an Agitator Vessel with Ellipsoidal HeadPatel, Dhruv
14MMED14.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2016Feasibility Study of Deployable Structure for Space AntennaPatel, Vrushang
ITFEE026-6.pdf.jpgMar-2012Feasibility Study of Solar - Wind Hybrid Power SystemDalwadi, Parita; Mehta, Chintan
13MMCMS2.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2016Finite Element Analysis and Design Optimization for Platens of Injection Molding MachineYagnik, Deepa
14MMCC13.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2016Finite Element Analysis and Optimization of Stationary Platen for Upgradation of Injection Molding Machine from 1300T to 1500TPandya, Chandramauli
14MMCC12.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2016Finite Element Analysis for Optimization of Jacketing Process for Manufacturing of SST-1 CS CICCPadaliya, Mehul
04mce016.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2006Implementation and Optimization of H.323 Protocol Application for Embedded VoIP PhonePatel, Vipul
12MMET10.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2014Investigations on Determining the Overall Heat Transfer Co-efficient of Building MaterialsKateshia, Jyotin A.