Browsing by Subject Wireless Sensor Network

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
ITFIT002-9.pdf.jpg2015Analyzing the Performance of Centralized Clustering Techniques for Realistic Wireless Sensor Network TopologiesRaval, Gaurang; Bhavsar, Madhuri; Patel, Nitin
ITFIT007-8.pdf.jpgAug-2014Cluster Head Election for Energy and Delay Constraint Applications of Wireless Sensor NetworkThakkar, Ankit; Kotecha, K.
ITFCE025-1.pdf.jpg15-Dec-2008Effect of Network Coding on Buffer Management in Wireless Sensor NetworkJardosh, Sunil; Zunnun, Narmawala; Ranjan, Prabhat; Srivastava, Sanjay
14MCEN12.pdf.jpg1-Jun-2016Multi-Objective Optimization of Clustering Techniques in WSN using Harmony Search AlgorithmParsania, Riddhi
ITFIT007-9.pdf.jpg2015A New Bollinger Band Based Energy Efficient Routing For Clusteredwireless Sensor NetworkThakkar, Ankit; Kotecha, Ketan
ITFIT002-10.pdf.jpgNov-2013Optimization of Clustering Techniques using Energy Thresholds in Wireless Sensor NetworksRaval, Gaurang; Shah, Abhinav; Bhavsar, Madhuri
ITFIT002-3.pdf.jpg8-Jan-2010Performance Evaluation of Wireless Sensor Networks Routing ProtocolsRaval, Gaurang; Shah, Maniel; Panchal, Keyur
ITFIT002-8.pdf.jpg8-Jan-2010Performance Evaluation of Wireless Sensor Networks Routing ProtocolsRaval, Gaurang; Shah, Maniel; Panchal, Keyur
ITFIC001-9.pdf.jpg19-Feb-2012Simulation Study of WSN for Conventional Field Irrigation MethodPitolwala, Nakul; Patel, J. B.; Gajjar, Sachin; Bhatt, Chetan
ITFCE005-12.pdf.jpgApr-2014VAQMAQ: Video Aware QoS MAC Protocol for Wireless Video Sensor NetworksUkani, Vijay; Zaveri, Tanish; Kapadia, Sameer
ITFIT007-5.pdf.jpg26-Oct-2012WALEACH: Weight Based Energy Efficient Advanced Leach AlgorithmThakkar, Ankit; Kotecha, K.
ITFIT007-6.pdf.jpgDec-2012WCVALEACH : Weight And Coverage Based Energy Efficient Advanced Leach AlgorithmThakkar, Ankit; Kotecha, K.