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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
ITFCL004-7.pdf.jpgJan-2008Behavior of Presressed Concrete Beams Using GFRP WrappingDave, Urmil V.; Trambadia, Kinjal H.
ITFCL004-1.pdf.jpg2008Behaviour Of Reinforced Concrete Deep BeamsDave, Urmil V.; Hiwrale, Shekhar; Thakkar, Nirav B.
ITFCL004-3.pdf.jpg2007Comparative Performance Of Prestressed Concrete Beams by FRP WrappingDave, Urmil V.; Trambadia, Kinjal
ITFCL004-10.pdf.jpg25-Nov-2009Comparison of Dynamic Parameters of Mild Steel Chimneys With Stick And Fe ModelingChhaya, Z. R.; Shah, R. B.; Dave, Urmil V.
ITFCL004-9.pdf.jpg9-Dec-2010Design of Steel Connections as per IS 800:2007 and Comparison with other Codal ProvisionsSavaliya, Ghanshyam; Dave, Urmil V.
ITFCL004-6.pdf.jpg2006The Effect of Polypropylene Fibres within Concrete with Regard to Fire Performance in StructuresRichardson, Alan; Dave, Urmil V.
ITFCL004-4.pdf.jpg2006Enhancement in high-strength Concrete Properties by Incorporating Ground Granulated Blas Furnace Slag and Rice Husk AshDave, Urmil V.; Kant, M.; Sareshwala, K.
ITFCL004-5.pdf.jpg2006Experimental Investigations on Long Term Strength Of PCC with Varying Dosages Of Fly-AshDave, Urmil V.; Thakur, J. S.
ITFCL004-8.pdf.jpg8-Dec-2011Flexure Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams Using GFRP WrappingBhatt, Vandit Y.; Dave, Urmil V.
ITFCL025-6.pdf.jpg16-Dec-2013Fly Ash Based Geopolymer Concrete – Some Durability Studies and Behavior of Beams and ColumnsThakkar, Sonal; Dave, Urmil V.; Gor, Rutvij
ITFCL004-11.pdf.jpg25-Nov-2009Simplified Horizontal Curved I-Girder Bridge Analysis: Based On Indian Road Congress (IRC) StandardsSolanki, Himat; Dave, Urmil V.; Blesson, Thomas
ITFCL004-2.pdf.jpg2008Strengthening Of Bridges Against Seismic LoadsDave, Urmil V.; Solanki, Himat