Browsing by Author Gajjar, Nagendra

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
ITFEC004-5.pdf.jpg2011Audio Compression Using Logarithmic Approach for PSNR EnhancementJoshi, Anikkumar A; Mehta, Ashish H.; Gajjar, Nagendra; Shah, Dhaval G.
IDFME005-1.pdf.jpg1-Nov-2006Design Challenges of Routing AlgorithmsBagga, Prashant; Gajjar, Nagendra
ITFEC004-3.pdf.jpg25-Nov-2009Development and Implementation of IP Core of PSK ModulatorPrajapati, Pankaj; Gajjar, Nagendra
ITFEC024-2.pdf.jpg8-Dec-2011Development of SEU Monitor System for SEU Detection and Correction in virtex-5 FPGASavani, Vijay G.; Gajjar, Nagendra
ITFEC024-1.pdf.jpgApr-2011Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration of FPGA for SEU Mitigation and Area EfficiencySavani, Vijay G.; Mecwan, Akash I.; Gajjar, Nagendra
ITFEC004-4.pdf.jpgJul-2013Implementation of 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform Algorithm on GPUGhetia, Shivang; Gajjar, Nagendra; Gajjar, Ruchi
ITFEC028-2.pdf.jpg26-Nov-2015Implementation of Edge Detection Algorithms in Real Time on FPGAShukla, Ami; Patel, Vibha; Gajjar, Nagendra
ITFEC025-8.pdf.jpg9-Dec-2010Implementation of High Frequency Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer on FPGAMecwan, Akash I.; Savani, Vijay G.; Gajjar, Nagendra
ITFEC025-9.pdf.jpg8-Dec-2011Implementation of Software Defined Radio on FPGAMecwan, Akash I.; Gajjar, Nagendra
ITFEC004-2.pdf.jpg8-Dec-2011Scalable LEON 3 based SoC for Multiple Floating Point OperationsGajjar, Nagendra; Devahsrayee, N. M.; Dasgupta, K. S.
ITFEC004-1.pdf.jpg2011Self Healing System to Mitigate Single Event upset in Sram based FPGA for Space ApplicationGajjar, Nagendra; Savani, Vijay G.; Devashrayee, N. M.; Dasgupta, N. M.
ITFEC024-3.pdf.jpg9-Dec-2010Single Event Upset Mitigation Techniques Implementation Based on TMRSavani, Vijay G.; Mecwan, Akash I.; Gajjar, Nagendra
IDFME005-2.pdf.jpg1-Apr-2006Wireless Sensor Networks for Smart Maintenance SystemsBagga, Prashant; Gajjar, Nagendra