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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
ITFEE003-5.pdf.jpg2005Current-Error Space-Vector-Based Hysteresis PWM Controller for Three-Level Voltage Source Inverter Fed DrivesTekwani, P. N.; Kanchan, R. S.; Gopakumar, K.
ITFEE003-2.pdf.jpg2007A Dual Five-Level Inverter-Fed Induction Motor Drive With Common-Mode Voltage Elimination and DC-Link Capacitor Voltage Balancing Using Only the Switching-State Redundancy—Part ITekwani, P. N.; Kanchan, R. S.; Gopakumar, K.
ITFEE003-1.pdf.jpg2005A Dual Five-Level Inverter-Fed Induction Motor Drive With Common-Mode Voltage Elimination and DC-Link Capacitor Voltage Balancing Using Only the Switching-State Redundancy—Part IITekwani, P. N.; Kanchan, R. S.; Gopakumar, K.
ITFEE003-25.pdf.jpg12-Dec-2006Elimination Of Common Mode Voltage and Fifth and Seventh Harmonics in a Multilevel Inverter fed IM Drive using 12-Sided Polygonal Voltage Space PhasorTekwani, P. N.; Lakshminarayanan, Sanjay; Mondal, Gopal; Gopakumar, K.
ITFEE003-6.pdf.jpg2005Five-Level Inverter Scheme For An Induction Motor Drive With Simultaneous Elimination Of Commonmode Voltage And Dc-Link Capacitor Voltage ImbalanceTekwani, P. N.; Kanchan, R. S.; Gopakumar, K.
ITFEE003-26.pdf.jpg2-Sep-2007A Five-Level Inverter Scheme with Common-Mode Voltage Elimination by Cascading Conventional Two-Level and Three-Level NPC Inverters for an Induction Motor DriveTekwani, P. N.; Mondal, Gopal; Gopakumar, K.; Levi, E.
ITFEE003-22.pdf.jpg2005Five-Level Inverter Topology for IM Drive With DC-Link Capacitor Voltage Balancing and Common-Mode Voltage Elimination in Complete Modulation RangeTekwani, P. N.; Kanchan, R. S.; Gopakumar, K.
ITFEE003-27.pdf.jpg2006Five-Level Inverter Topology for IM Drive With DC-Link Capacitor Voltage Balancing and Common-Mode Voltage Elimination in Entire Modulation Range: A Closed-Loop ControlTekwani, P. N.; Kanchan, R. S.; Gopakumar, K.
ITFEE003-7.pdf.jpg2007Five-Level Inverter Topology for Induction Motor Drives With Common-Mode Voltage Elimination in Complete Modulation RangeTekwani, P. N.; Kanchan, R. S.; Gopakumar, K.
ITFEE003-15.pdf.jpg2005A Five-Level Inverter Topology With Common-Mode Voltage Elimination for Induction Motor DrivesTekwani, P. N.; Kanchan, R. S.; Gopakumar, K.; Vezzini, A.
ITFEE003-3.pdf.jpg2005A Four-level Inverter Scheme with Reduced Common Mode Voltage for an Induction Motor DriveTekwani, P. N.; Kanchan, R. S.; Baiju, M. R.; Gopakumar, K.
ITFEE003-8.pdf.jpg2006Generation of Parabolic Trajectories for Current Error Space Phasor similar to an SVPWM Controller for Control of Switching Frequency Variation in Current Hysteresis PWM Controlled IM DrivesTekwani, P. N.; Kanchan, R. S.; L. Sanjay; Gopakumar, K.
ITFEE003-9.pdf.jpg2005Independent Field-Oriented Control of Two Split-Phase Induction Motors From a Single Six-Phase InverterTekwani, P. N.; Mohapatra, K. K.; Kanchan, R. S.; Baiju, M. R.; Gopakumar, K.
ITFEE003-17.pdf.jpg2005Linearization Of the Multi-Level SVPWM in the Over-Modulation RegionTekwani, P. N.; Kanchan, R. S.; Gopakumar, K.
ITFEE003-33.pdf.jpgJun-2007Linearization of the Multi-level SVPWM Signal Generation in the Over-Modulation Region Extending up to Six-step Mode Using Only the Sampled Amplitudes of Reference Phase VoltagesTekwani, P. N.; Kanchan, R. S.; Gopakumar, K.
ITFEE003-24.pdf.jpg2007A Multi-Level Inverter Structure with Cascaded Two-Level and Three-Level Inverters for IM Drive with CMV Elimination and DC-link Capacitor Voltage BalancingTekwani, P. N.; Mondal, Gopal; Gopakumar, K.; Levi, Emil
ITFEE003-23.pdf.jpg2005Multilevel Inverter Scheme With Inherent Common-Mode Voltage Elimination and DC-Link Capacitor Voltage Balancing for Open-End Winding Induction Motor DriveTekwani, P. N.; Kanchan, R. S.; Gopakumar, K.
ITFEE003-35.pdf.jpgMay-2006Multilevel Inverter with 12-sided Polygonal Voltage Space Vector locations for Induction Motor DriveLakshminarayanan, Sanjay; Kanchan, R. S.; Tekwani, P. N.; Gopakumar, K.
ITFEE003-28.pdf.jpgMay-2006Multilevel Inverter with 12-Sided Polygonal Voltage Space Vector Locations for Induction Motor DriveTekwani, P. N.; Lakshminarayanan, Sanjay; Kanchan, R. S.; Gopakumar, K.
ITFEE003-10.pdf.jpg2007Novel Current Error Space Phasor Based Hysteresis Controller Using Parabolic Bands for Control of Switching Frequency VariationsTekwani, P. N.; Kanchan, R. S.; Gopakumar, K.