Browsing by Author Ukani, Vijay

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Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
ITFCE005-1.pdf.jpgDec-2006An Adaptive and Preemptive Algorithm for Faster Handoffs in WLANUkani, Vijay; Gore, M. M
ITFCE005-8.pdf.jpgMar-2014Adaptive Message Passing in Vehicular Ad-hoc NetworksUkani, Vijay; Bhatia, Jitendra
ITFCE005-7.pdf.jpg28-Nov-2013Aggregation In Wireless Multimedia Sensor NetworkKurde, Archana; Ukani, Vijay
TT000041.pdf.jpgMay-2016BorderMon: An Energy Efficient Framework For Border Surveillance using Wireless Multimedia Sensor NetworksUkani, Vijay
ITFCE005-2.pdf.jpgDec-2006Cluster Based Routing Protocol for Energy Efficient Query Delivery in Wireless Sensor NetworksJayalakshmi, N.; Ukani, Vijay; Gore, M. M.
ITFCE005-4.pdf.jpgMay-2011Collaborative Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection In Mobile ad hoc NetworksParyani, Sunil K.; Patel, Rajesh; Ukani, Vijay
ITFCE005-14.pdf.jpg2015Computation of Coverage Backup Set for Wireless Video Sensor NetworkUkani, Vijay; Patel, Keyur; Zaveri, Tanish
ITFCE005-9.pdf.jpgApr-2014Efficient Face Recognition System Using Hybrid MethodologyShah, Keyur; Ukani, Vijay
ITFCE005-5.pdf.jpg8-Dec-2011An Empirical Analysis of Multiclass Classification Techniques in Data MiningKotecha, Radhika; Ukani, Vijay; Garg, Sanjay
ITFCE005-3.pdf.jpgApr-2011Energy and Throughput Analysis of Hierarchical Routing Protocol (LEACH) for Wireless Sensor NetworkPatel, Rajesh; Pariyani, Sunil; Ukani, Vijay
ITFCE005-13.pdf.jpgDec-2014An Energy Efficient Routing Protocol For Wireless Multimedia Sensor NetworkUkani, Vijay; Kothari, Ankit; Zaveri, Tanish
ITFCE021-4.pdf.jpgSep-2015Improving Security in P2P File Sharing Based on Network Coding for DTNParikh, Vishal; Markana, Kajol; Ukani, Vijay; Kumhar, Malaram
ITFCE005-10.pdf.jpgApr-2014A Novel Methodology for Analysing Malicious Behavior of the Android ApplicationsPatel, Namrata; Ukani, Vijay; Mistry, Nilay
ITFCE005-6.pdf.jpg19-Dec-2012Optimized Handoff Process in IEEE802.11p based VANETPatel, Maulik; Ukani, Vijay
ITFCE005-16.pdf.jpg26-Nov-2015QoS Aware Geographic Routing Protocol for Multimedia Transmission in Wireless Sensor NetworkUkani, Vijay; Thacker, Dhaval
ITFCE005-15.pdf.jpg2015A Realistic Coverage Model with Backup Set Computation for Wireless Video Sensor NetworkUkani, Vijay; Patel, Keyur; Zaveri, Tanish
ITFIT013-1.pdf.jpgMar-2015Survey on QoS Aware Routing Protocols for Wireless Multimedia Sensor NetworksKumhar, Malaram; Ukani, Vijay
ITFCE005-12.pdf.jpgApr-2014VAQMAQ: Video Aware QoS MAC Protocol for Wireless Video Sensor NetworksUkani, Vijay; Zaveri, Tanish; Kapadia, Sameer
ITFCE005-11.pdf.jpgApr-2014Video Surveillance for Accident Detection on HighwaysDoshi, Monali; Ukani, Vijay