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Title: Dashboard for Test Suite Generation
Authors: Trivedi, Zankruti
Keywords: Computer 2019
Project Report
Computer Project Report
Project Report 2019
DS 2019
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2021
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 19MCED17;
Abstract: The majority of processing on a computer takes place in software running on the CPU. It's possible, however, to create a separate processor specifically designed to perform a multiple tasks or even just a single task. Utilizing a separate processor like this is called hardware-acceleration. Hardware-acceleration comes with two main performance benefits. Firstly, processors designed to perform specific types of tasks are faster and more efficient at performing a task than a CPU would be. Secondly, by off-loading that processing load, the CPU has more processing power free to allocate to other tasks. The significance and purpose of this work is to provide tool to automate test suite generation process for one such engine. With the help of this project, user can generate/manage test suites and can view reports at one place.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CE (DS)

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