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Title: Design of Caustic Recovery Plant
Authors: Prajapati, Darshil
Keywords: Mechanical 2020
Project Report
Project Report 2020
Mechanical Project Report
Pressure Vessel Design
Flash Vessel
Solid Works Software
CAD/CAM 2020
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2022
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Abstract: Textile manufacturing industry uses substantial amount of chemicals not only in the production processes but also in manufacturing the raw materials. Chemicals used in textile production are generally classified as commodity chemicals and speciality chemicals. The former in utilized in Bulk also the latter is utilized in little amounts. Caustic Soda (Sodium Hydroxide) is one of the significant synthetics which are utilized in enormous amounts for delivering cotton materials. Caustic soda result in highly alkaline waste water from the textile mills which makes the effluent toxic and poses difficulty in treatment of effluent. This report to survey the recovery of caustic soda from the mercerization plant was directed in a cotton texture producing unit. So, we designed the recovery plant which is recovery the caustic soda from the wastewater generated from the mercerization process. A Caustic Recovery Plant is typically a triple effect evaporation plant which will re-concentrate the weak lye by heating it in the heat exchanger and when it reaches evaporator, the vapor is released due to water evaporation that increases its concentration. This process repeats itself by circulation in caustic recovery plant till the desired concentration is reached. So, we designed the various vessels such as Flash vessels, Evaporators, condenser and pre-heaters as per ASME boiler and pressure vessel code section II PART D. Also make a solid model of all vessels in 3d modeling software such as solidworks and solid edge. After we done the finite element analysis of pressure vessel and match with the manual calculation when it’s satisfactory our FEA result then we fabricate and manufactured the all of the vessels.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (CAD/CAM)

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