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Title: Analysing the Impact of Natural Light on Internal Textures within Art Spaces
Authors: Kathsad, Nimisha
Keywords: Thesis
Thesis 2024
B. Arch
Natural Light
Art Spaces
Issue Date: Jun-2024
Publisher: Institute of Architecture & Planning, Nirma University
Series/Report no.: ;ADR00336
Abstract: The research aims to unravel the dynamic relationship between light, texture, and spatial perception in art gallery spaces. Since indoor spaces are where most people conduct their everyday activities, they have a significant physical and emotional influence on people's behaviour and quality of life. In architectural spaces, natural light is an essential aspect in determining the ambiance and visual experience, especially in spaces where art is exhibited. This study compares the effects of white and textured surfaces to explain the various ways that natural light influences artefacts. Texture surfaces add visual interest, depth, and tactility, while white surfaces often linked with minimalism and neutrality provide a neat background for art exhibitions. It is essential to comprehend the differences in how natural light interacts with various surfaces to optimise the gallery setting and improve the viewing experience. This study aims to provide insights into the distinct effects of natural light on interior textures using a combination of quantitative measurements by using computer simulation and qualitative analysis, including light intensity assessments, material property evaluations, and perceptual examination.
Description: Guided by Prof. Purvi Jadav
Appears in Collections:Bachelor of Architecture

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