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Title: Identifying Elements Contributing Towards the Identity of Jaipur’s Market Streets as Narrated by the People”
Authors: Gupta, Saumya
Keywords: Thesis
Thesis 2024
B. Arch
Place identity
Market Streets of Jaipur
Issue Date: Jun-2024
Publisher: Institute of Architecture & Planning, Nirma University
Series/Report no.: ;ADR00356
Abstract: Place identity refers to the meaning and significance of the place with its inhabitants and users and how these meanings shape the users’ cognitive association (Proshansky et al., 1995). This study maps and identifies the elements that contribute towards shaping the place identity of market streets in Jaipur. The place identity is mapped through the framework of Montgom- ery, 1998 dividing the study into three segments: the physical form, meaning and activities. The study tries to decode the physical setting in terms of its urban & physical form through the framework of M. Sepe, 2014 through denominative and cartographic studies. In order to understand the character and social life of the street, the nature of varying activities was doc- umented through the works of Jan Gehl which helps to identify spaces leading to socializing character of the streets. The research follows P. Gustafson’s analytical framework to map and understand the attributes contributing towards meaning and user-place association by segre- gating themes amongst three poles of self, environment and others. It focuses on the two secondary-level specialized market streets of Jaipur: Khazanewalon Ka Rasta known for the market of marble sculptures & Maniharon Ka Rasta known for the mak- ing of lac bangle. The streets have been chosen because of the community variation and their association with the street in order to derive parallels of elements and themes with different settings. Physical documentation, surveys and activity mapping have been done bringing out the parallel themes and elements contributing in us000000000000000000000000er-place as- sociation of both the streets. Results reflected that there were vivid parallels amongst the socio-cultural, religious and historical values contributing towards user-place association and community engagement on the street. The methodology followed and the elements identi- fied would contribute in the preservation of tangible and intangible elements which contrib- utes towards the making of place identity of these specialized market streets of Jaipur and the significance of user-place association.
Description: Guided by Prof. Sneha Ramani
Appears in Collections:Bachelor of Architecture

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