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Title: Influence of Mies Van Der Rohe’S Minimalism on Neo-Minimalist Architecture - A Comparative Study: In Case of Domestic Architecture
Authors: Thakkar, Jenish
Keywords: Thesis
Thesis 2021
B. Arch
Mies Van der Rohe
Industrial Revolution
Issue Date: Jun-2021
Publisher: Institute of Architecture & Planning, Nirma University
Series/Report no.: ;ADR00129
Abstract: Minimalism is one of the most prominent periods in Modern Architecture. This approach focuses on removing unnecessary elements and defining the actual essence of any architectural piece. It was popular among architects who sought simplicity, openness, and spirituality in their work. Mies van der Rohe, a prominent architect, revolutionized the sphere of architecture by adopting the famous maxim "less is more" into his works. The concept of Minimalism, which was seen in artworks, was adopted into architecture. The discourse of Minimalism witnessed a considerable increase in various fields like art, sculpture, design, while its exposition in the field of architecture was almost absent. The thesis, therefore aims to read and interpret Minimalistic architecture of Mies Van der Rohe and identify the continuity of the same in the Neo-Minimalist works. To accomplish this, the research attempts to comprehend 'Minimalist' philosophy of Miesin domestic architecture across time and extract its design principles through spatial and form-based analysis. Furthermore, the thesis identifies the continuity of the philosophy in the Neo-minimalist architecture which would include the works of his disciples, students, colleagues and architects who were inspired from his work. The works of architects Craig Ellwood, Philip Johnson, Eduardo Souto de Moura and Glenn Murcutt (Students and Disciples, Neo-Minimalists) are chosen as case studies, to undertake a comparative study for understanding their architecture language, continuity and evolution of the philosophy of the pioneer. One of the key findings that this paper tries to uncover is: how the treatment of inevitable minimalist aspects such as relation to nature, creating clean and simple geometric spaces, treatment of the modern building material like glass and steel has progressed. The disciples, students, Neo-minimalist builds on the philosophy of the pioneer and attempt to exhibit their understanding of it with changing context, period, materials, technologies etc. This study can be a catalyst for understanding the minimalist works over the period of time, evolution of the philosophy and provide a basis for comparison to uncover future Neo-minimalist projects.
Description: Guided by: Prof. Jitendra Menghani
Appears in Collections:Bachelor of Architecture

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