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dc.contributor.authorPatel, Mausam-
dc.descriptionGuided by: Prof. Jaydeep Bhagaten_US
dc.description.abstractIn urban planning and development, public spaces play a crucial role, both physically and functionally. Many urban theorists consider them to be one of the most important aspects of a healthy urban environment. This is in addition to their functional duty, which is to build a sense of community in regions where there is a lot of social interaction. However, they have re cently begun to lose relevance as a result of neglect in the urban planning process or the loss of existing areas. Furthermore, because public spaces are overlooked in urban planning and development processes, accessibil ity and utilisation of these areas reduces. Everyone, regardless of their so cial circles, should be able to use public space. Accessibility is defined as the availability of pathways for all individuals, including the disabled and the old, as determined by safety, convenience, usability, and independence. Accessibility issues in public open spaces such as parks and playgrounds are caused by a range of socio-psychological factors. A public open space can only be successful if it is accessible to all members of society. Accessibility is no longer just a concept based on near proximity; it is also the most significant concern for people when it comes to ensuring that every open area serves its intended purpose. Because this study focuses on public accessibility rath er than location accessibility, all elements that contribute to inaccessibili ty and prevent people from accessing the open space have been identified and investigated in depth, including social, economic, cultural, and environ mental aspects. A person’s decision to use an open space is influenced by elements such as social, economic, cultural, and environmental concerns.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Architecture & Planning, Nirma Universityen_US
dc.subjectThesis 2022en_US
dc.subjectB. Archen_US
dc.subjectPublic Open Spacesen_US
dc.titleEvaluating Pedestrian Accessibility to Public open Spacesen_US
Appears in Collections:Bachelor of Architecture

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