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Title: Stress Analysis Of Infinite Orthotropic Plate with an Arbitrarily Oriented Crack Subjected to inplane Loading at Infinity
Authors: Sharma, D. S.
Keywords: Complex Variable
Stress Intensity Facto
Mechanical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
Citation: National Conference on Current Trends in Technology (NUCONE-2007); Nov.29-Dec.1, 2007
Abstract: The stress analysis of infinite orthotropic plate with openings is an interesting field of investigation. Many researchers have contributed to this area by taking different hole geometry and loading pattern. An attempt is made here to _solve elastostatic problem of infinite laminated orthotropic plate subjected to in plane loading, with an arbitrarily oriented crack, using Muskhelishvili's complex variable formulation. The elevation of stresses in the vicinity of the crack in anisotropic media is studied by employing material parameter called Stress Intensity Factors (SIF). The SIF's are calculated (i for ~r.bitrary orientation of crack under different loading conditions.
Description: NUCONE-2007; Page No. 227-230
ISBN: 979-81-8424-261-3
Appears in Collections:Faculty Paper, ME

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