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dc.contributor.authorChauhan, Mihir-
dc.contributor.authorIyer, V. R.-
dc.contributor.authorPanchal, N. K.-
dc.identifier.citationNational Conference on Current Trends in Technology (NUCONE 2008), Nov. 27-29, 2008en
dc.descriptionNUCONE-2008; Page No. 50-54en
dc.description.abstractMany methods have been developed to extinguish fire. For major fire hazard problem, large amount of water is to be sprayed over the fire area to put it off. Fire Fighting Nozzle is equipment generating the solid jet of water as well as diverging spray of water. This jet or spray is targeted towards the flashing spot of the fire to achieve the control over it. Water jet is used to control the fire from remote distance when the intensity of fire is much horrible. The jet coming out from the nozzle must have sufficient energy to extinguish the fire. The flow rate through the nozzle should be enough to extinguish the fire. Flow rate depends on the outlet area opening. This opening or gap is set by proper positioning of the components in whole assembly of Fire Nozzle. Performance of nozzle depends upon the critical dimensions of annulus area through which jet of water is coming out. Handling of nozzle is uncomfortable for the fire fighter due to the back reaction. This paper deals with design of critical dimensions of the nozzle for better performance as well as keeping in view the reduction of reaction force. This paper deals with the work carried out which includes the CAD modeling and obtaining velocity and pressure distribution for analysis of the Fire fighting Nozzle by applying the appropriate boundary conditions through computer aided analysis. Pressure and velocity distribution across the profile of the internal space of the nozzle is studied. By changing the geometry of the internal space, pressure and velocity profiles are modified to reduce the turbulence in order to achieve the objectives. Number of experiments have been conducted at the site to correlate the results of the computer-aided analysis.en
dc.publisherExcel India Publishersen
dc.subjectFire Fighting Nozzleen
dc.subjectFlow Analysisen
dc.subjectFlow Rateen
dc.subjectBack Reactionen
dc.subjectMechanical Faculty Paperen
dc.subjectFaculty Paperen
dc.titleDesign and Optimization Of Critical Dimension Of Fire Fighting Nozzles through CADen
dc.typeFaculty Papersen
Appears in Collections:Faculty Paper, ME

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