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Title: Investigation of coated tubes in cross-flow boiling
Authors: Lakhera, Vikas J.
Gupta, Akhilesh
Kumar Ravi
Keywords: Boiling Heat Transfer
Surface Roughness
Mechanical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: The boiling in cross-flow is investigated for coated tubes (low-porosity, flame-sprayed) in this paper. The effect of surface roughness on flow boiling heat transfer for a horizontal tube surface in cross-flow is studied for saturated boiling of water at atmospheric pressure. The parameters varied were for flow velocity up to 3.24 kg/s (G = 258.49 kg/m2 s), heat flux from 12 to 45 kW/m2, surface roughness (Ra) from 0.3296 to 4.731 lm. Nominal enhancement in heat transfer coefficient at higher mass flux may be attributed to the continued nucleation at the uppermost surfaces (in the wake region of the flow) of the rougher tubes thereby increasing the overall heat transfer rate. The flow boiling data was found to best fit the Kutateladze asymptotic equation h = hl[1 + (hnpb/hl)n]1/n with the value of n = 2.258 (which is close to the value of n = 2 suggested by Kutateladze).
Description: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 52 (3-4) 2009; Page No. 908–920
ISSN: 0017-9310
Appears in Collections:Faculty Paper, ME

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