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Title: Characterization and Simulation of Second Generation Current Conveyors
Authors: Patel, Nileshkumar Kantilal
Keywords: EC 2008
Project Report 2008
EC Project Report
Project Report
VLSI 2008
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2010
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 08MEC012
Abstract: In last few decades, the demand of portable devices such as laptop, palmtop and cell phones is increased drastically. These devices use low supply voltages using single cell battery. Research in analog integrated circuits has recently gone in the direction of low voltage (LV) low-power (LP) design especially in the environment of portable systems. These LV circuits have to show also a reduced power consumption to maintain a longer battery lifetime. In this area traditional voltage-mode techniques are going to be substituted by the current-mode approach which has the advantage to overcome the gain-bandwidth product limitation typical of operational ampli ers. Then they do not require high voltage gains and have good performance in terms of speed bandwidth and accuracy. Inside the current-mode architectures the current- conveyor (CCII) can be considered the basic circuit block because all the active devices can be made of a suitable connection of one or two CCIIs. CCII is particularly attractive in portable systems where LV LP constraints have to be taken into account. In fact it su ers less from the limitation of low current utilization while showing full dynamic characteristics at reduced supplies (especially CMOS version) and good high frequency performance. Recent advances in integrated circuit technology have also highlighted the usefulness of CCII solutions in a large number of signal processing applications. This project describes di erent topologies of CCIIs. All topologies have been simulated in di erent CMOS process technologies using Eldo Spice tool and layout is made using Mentor Graphics Back End tools like IC Station and DA-IC. Di erent characteristics such as gain, bandwidth, terminal impedances, slew rate, dynamic range, input-output current characteristic and o set are measured and tabulated for all the CCII topologies.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EC (VLSI)

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