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Title: Optimisation of Process Parameters for Multi-Performance Characteristics in EDM of Al2O3 Ceramic Composite
Authors: Patel, K. M.
Pandey, Pulak M.
Rao, P. Venkateswara
Keywords: EDM
Al2O3–SiCw–TiC Ceramic Composite
Grey Relational Analysis
Multiple Response Characteristics
Mechanical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Springer
Series/Report no.: ITFME009-4
Abstract: The advantages of electrical discharge machining (EDM) in machining of complex ceramic components have promoted research in the area of EDMof ceramic composites. The recent developments in ceramic composites are focused not only on the improvements of strength and toughness, but also on possibilities for difficult-to-machine shapes using EDM. One such EDM-machinable ceramic composite material (Al2O3–SiCw–TiC) has been developed recently and has been selected in the present study to investigate its EDM machinability. Experiments were conducted using discharge current, pulse-on time, duty cycle and gap voltage as typical process parameters. The grey relational analysis was adopted to obtain grey relational grade for EDM process with multiple characteristics namely material removal rate and surface roughness. Analysis of variance was used to study the significance of process variables on grey relational grade which showed discharge current and duty cycle to be most significant parameters. Other than discharge current and duty cycle, pulse-on time and gap voltage have also been found to be significant. To validate the study, confirmation experiment has been carried out at optimum set of parameters and predicted results have been found to be in good agreement with experimental findings.
Description: International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 47, 2010, Page No. 1137-1147
Appears in Collections:Faculty Paper, ME

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